Friday, December 31, 2010

2010-So Many Lessons

Each of our lives has its ups and downs. The same can be said about each year. As I look back on life I can say that this past year has had the best ups, and the worst downs. There are many things I regret, but at the same time, I am so thankful that I am a child of the almighty God who has blessed me so much!

This past year has taught me so many things. I feel like I’ve grown in so many ways and learned many things (probably too many things). I’ve learned that love is respect. If there is no respect, love will be lost in the end. I’ve learned what it’s like to lose someone that you had made your whole life. I’ve learned what it feels like to lose someone that you didn’t even know, but had somehow grown so very attached to. I’ve learned that you can’t run from God. I’ve learned it’s harder to forgive yourself than to have God forgive you. And even more importantly, I’ve learned how to love and to be love again.

Each of our lives has its ups and downs. The same can be said about each year. As I look back on life I can say that this past year has had the best ups, and the worst downs. There are many things I regret, but at the same time, I am so thankful that I am a child of the almighty God who has blessed me so much!

This past year has taught me so many things. I feel like I’ve grown in so many ways and learned many things (probably too many things). I’ve learned that love is respect. If there is no respect, love will be lost in the end. I’ve learned what it’s like to lose someone that you had made your whole life. I’ve learned what it feels like to lose someone that you didn’t even know, but had somehow grown so very attached to. I’ve learned that you can’t run from God. I’ve learned it’s harder to forgive yourself than to have God forgive you. And even more importantly, I’ve learned how to love and to be love again.

There have been so many great people in my life who have helped me when I finally cried out for help. (Which, wow, that is hard to do if you are a proud person.) Without these individuals, I’d probably still be wandering aimlessly around and still screwing up my life.

But you know what, I am ready for 2011! I have just been hired for 2 jobs, I am engaged to the most amazing man, and I am working on my relationship with God! I am ready to get out of debt and learn to be a good wife to my man. I can’t wait to share my special day with all those who have touched my life in some way or another! “I can see clearly now the rain is GONE!”

I can’t end this little blurb without a big thank you to my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Even when I had done so many things that went against his will and plan for my life, even when I tried to run and hide, and even when I pushed him away because I felt like I wasn’t enough for him… He STILL took me back! Our God is so amazing, and merciful!

Heavenly Father,
God, I thank you for everything you have done for me. God, I can not say that enough. You are so amazing! I thank you for the opportunity to have another year. A new year that I can serve you with all that I have and all that I am. As this new year begins, I ask that you give me the strength that I need these next few days. Hold me close to you and whisper your promises in my listening ears. Hold the one that I lost and take good care of him till I can see him again. Help me to be that light that makes other’s wonder what makes me shine so… and that my life will point solely to You. I continue to ask your blessings on my life and the lives of those around me. Guide us and direct us in the ways of your will. I pray this in your precious holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

But you know what, I am ready for 2011! I have just been hired for 2 jobs, I am engaged to the most amazing man, and I am working on my relationship with God! I am ready to get out of debt and learn to be a good wife to my man. I can’t wait to share my special day with all those who have touched my life in some way or another! “I can see clearly now the rain is GONE!”

I can’t end this little blurb without a big thank you to my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus. Even when I had done so many things that went against his will and plan for my life, even when I tried to run and hide, and even when I pushed him away because I felt like I wasn’t enough for him… He STILL took me back! Our God is so amazing, and merciful!

Heavenly Father,
God, I thank you for everything you have done for me. God, I can not say that enough. You are so amazing! I thank you for the opportunity to have another year. A new year that I can serve you with all that I have and all that I am. As this new year begins, I ask that you give me the strength that I need these next few days. Hold me close to you and whisper your promises in my listening ears. Hold the one that I lost and take good care of him till I can see him again. Help me to be that light that makes other’s wonder what makes me shine so… and that my life will point solely to You. I continue to ask your blessings on my life and the lives of those around me. Guide us and direct us in the ways of your will. I pray this in your precious holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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